Thursday, July 26, 2012


The recent release of Daughtry’s new album “Break the Spell” has songs from just about every theme. The song “Spaceship” is a new take on a love song, and the sad song “Gone Too Soon” is a song that almost every parent who has lost a child can relate too and can bring tears to your eyes at any age. Then there is the song “Renegade” that is the perfect song for a rebel. One of the songs “Outta My Head” Chris Daughtry said at the Nebraskaland Days Concert was made for one purpose, and that’s to get the ladies to dance. And that is exactly what it does. Just like any of the songs, sad, love, suttle, or loud Daughtry can create songs with great musical sounds and relatable well understood lyrics for parents, teens, and people of all ages on any album either to just listen to or get the wheels in your head turning.

"It's Not Over" From the album "Daughtry"

                                   "Crawling Back To You" From the album "Break the Spell"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dry Economy

Dry Economy
By Jessica Jacobsen
The current drought isn’t effecting just the farmers here in the midwest. It’s also has economic effects are impacting the midwest economy.

An article from said that a survery of bankers suggest that the “economy is slowing down in rural areas of 10 Midwest and Western states as drought conditions bake the region.”

The article stated that the economic index dropped into “negative territory at 47.9 in June from May’s 56.7.”Any score in the economic index that is below 50 on the 1 to 100 score, means “contraction in the months ahead.”

The states (or part of the state) included in this survey are Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota, Illinois and the Dakotas.

The article also said, “The confidence index collapsed to 40.9 in June from May's strong 58.5. That suggests bankers aren't confident in the economy over the next six months.”

In a similar article on Ag Economist, Jessica Johnson at UNL Extension Center said “producers are definatly going to see lower prices than there used to be because the production is not there.” She also said that the “degree of the slump is still to be determined but the effects will be felt this year and next year.”

In the same article, Johnson stated that the best quality of farmers is their resilience. Many crop producers “have a great opportunity with crop insurance and a lot of them have that fall back to but it still does make times tough and it does make it hard for them.” She also pointed out that farmers have less crops and are selling off their cattle early and will likely see loss of seed production for the next crop as well.

Depending on what kind of farmer you are, you can be affected differently, says Johnson. Livestock producers usually suffer the effects of high-priced feed for their cattle and other livestock. This can affect the public as well. Prices for livestock products like meat and poultry can also go up.

Johnson stated different ways to help in this kind of disaster. Crop insurance for the crop producers, and supporting the decisions that our farmers make. The public can also help to conserve resources as well.

Johnson said that this drought is worse than the drought suffered in 2002.

“It is comparable to the 1930’s Dust Bowl.”

This is mainly because of how far it has geographically stretched.

She also said that a large drought like this is probably one of the worst disasters because of the long-lasting effects and that it affects people in more than one area.


Okay, this sucks. I had a blog post all ready typed up and ready to go and what does the internet decide to do? Crash and erase the post i had. I wasnt smart enough to save it either lol so i gtta retype the whole thing. Man, computers aren't very nice! LOL

Anyway, day three here at camp was more of a hands on day than it was listening to lecture and scribbling down notes and trying to listen @ the same time. The feature story that Connor and I were supposed to do ended up turning into 2 different stories lol. I got to interview Jessica Johnson, an economist here at UNL for my story. That was an intresting experince.

Mr. Roberson suggested that if this story were to run in The Indian that i interview a farmer. Grandpa Jake, Allen, Daddy, prepare to be annoyed with questions as i write EVERY WORD you say down, so be nice. LOL just kidding i cant write that fast, but you still have to be nice. I'm also thinking about interviewing taylor's dad. The Myers might being feeling different effects of this drought b/c thier cattle are dairy cattle. I bet chores suck in this heat, for any farmer really. I will post the story as it is to this blog later on tonight.

You guys are probly wondering how my walks are. They are kind of a 'casual stroll' which is not what Julie wanted but its 5 times a day in this heat, and they last about 15 minutes each i think you can make an exception JuJu lol. I don't get extremely tired, but i do get worn out from the walks at the end of the day, b/c ive noticed i have slept pretty good here @ UNL. I usually have a hard time sleeping at new/different places like a hotel or friends house or in this case, dorm room. And the other night, i thought of Josh because i woke up for mayb a minute or two at night and heard Sally sleeping. Josh, she sounded like you and it made me laugh a little bit.

When i told her she was lik "gee thats good to know that i sound lik a 16 year old boy in my sleep. thanks jj"

I think i made two new friends today Alyssa and another girl. I can't rember her name either! i feel bad Alyssa reminds me of Charlie Hansen from Ravenna, but Alyssa is unusual. Not jus b/c she kind of reminds me of charchar, but b/c she can't swallow right. Weird huh? it sparked my curiousity so i did a short paragraph on her for a mini project in my class.
Heres the paragraph.

What it feels like to swallow a rubber band

Alyssa Byar, a junior from Elkhorn Nebraska had a problem when she was younger. According to her orthodontist, Dr. Ries, she couldn’t swallow correctly. When she had braces, she would have to use the rubber bands used to help align your teeth correctly. “I’d have to put them on my tongue and swallow, moving the band and if I did I’d swallow it.” Byar says she never did her swallowing exercises while at home. The only time she did do the exercise was when she went to her appointments. When she got her retainer, the orthodontist put a small indent in the top piece so she could still do the exercise with the retainer still in her mouth. “It’s really nasty because icky stuff gets in the retainer. By the way I still can’t swallow right.”
By: Jessica Jacobsen 

I'm going to try to keep doing this blog once I get home if i can make posts from my Kindle Fire otherwise i mite have to steal Momma Kelly's laptop for twenty or thirty minutes, maybe more depending on how type-ative i am feeling :P. Then once i go to moms ill use my own computer.

Im accutally thinking calling my editor's column in The Indian "JJ's Corner" also. I like the way it sounds lol. I might think of a different title also. I probly should. Any Ideas? No Mom not flower corner. Too girly lol.

I really enjoy doing this blog, probly b/c i enjoy writing. It is time consuming tho but if you enjoy writing like i do, you don't really care hahas :P I'm gonna try a new little thing that i thought of that might be fun. Posting the Current Song I am listening to if i am listening to music while i am posting this blog. I think its a cute idea. Let me know what you think! :)

Type-ative: a word I made up, its the same as talkative only the words are typed. :) Maybe i should start a dictionary....hmm..

Current Song: It Girl-Jason Derulo 

The Story of Tim

This is Timothy Rempel. A quiet, keep-to-himself kind of guy with an interesting passion.

The first thing that strikes you about Timothy is his quietness. He seems to be the kind of guy that doesn’t get out much. Interestingly enough, one of his favorite things to do is hang out with his friends and play action video games that he payed for himself. He also enjoys helping out in the activities that the Spanish Club does.

This is a story about a young boy from the small and “boring” town of Fairbury. He has a love of helping people. This love is what motivates him to possibly pursue a career in criminal justice. The justice that keeps people safe, and locks away the criminals that hurt the innocent; he wants to be a cop, and later on, a detective.

Who is Timothy Rempel? He is a quiet boy, from a small town where the only cool hangouts are the bowling alley and the pool. He tried doing sports like track and football, just for something to pass the time away.

It is a hot afternoon at UNL, in July, during a Nebraska drought. The air-conditioned heat protects the faculty and students from the scorching heat outside. Two young girls talk at the same table Timothy is at. He listens in to what the girls are saying and occasionally cracking a smile at something funny. Not really saying anything.

Of course what makes Timothy interesting is his appearance. He seems to be the really nerdy, geeky kind of guy. Thick brown hair, glasses, large build, and a little bit of facial hair above his upper lip. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would want to be carrying a gun and a taser for part of his life. His intelligent eyes, bright behind his glasses,say that he has the possible makings of a great detective someday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day Two

My second day here started at 7 in the morning. Ugh, talk about not wanting to get up! LOL I layed in bed for about 10 mins thn finally got up and got ready for the day. My morning class seemed to go by very fast and the next thing i knew it was time for lunch. After lunch, my friend Connor and I went for a long walk in order to gather information for a feature story we are writing. We ment many nice, intresting people, and Daddy you'd be proud. I learned how heat can effect a car's radiator. And did you know car sales were down b/c of the heat? I didn't until Connor and i talked to a car salesmen. Intresting huh? I think it is, but you know me Little Miss Curiosity! LOL We also went to a Burger King and asked him how the heat was effecting his business. Of course fruity drink sales went up and he was nice enough to give Connor and I free large drinks. I got water and the ice melted in the cup soon after we started walking back to the campus classroom.
It made the water taste yucky lol.

Talking about alot of walking. We have to walk from Abel Hall, were the dorms and cafetiria are, to the classroom campus about 5 times a day, plus the long walk Connor and I went on. Lets just say I will sleep gooood tonight, if Sally and I don't start talking to much before bed :P.

I learned some vauluable ways to create story ideas which is what the journalism staff desparatly needs, and im really starting to like this blog. I might keep up with it, and hope it doesn't bore people lol. Well, its been a long productive day, and im ready to go back to bed and start another day of learning journalism skills.

Also, Mr. Roberson: I'm not sure how to write The Big Picture on the story Connor and I are doing, any advice?

Missing all my friends and family back home I love all you guys and thank you for your support! xoxoxoxoxoxox

Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Day

My first day started when i went down to check in and got checked in this morning. I went back upstairs to take a short nap before i had to go back downstairs for the class orientation and morning classes. As I was laying in my bed i heard voices outside my door. "Jessica Jacobsen, Broken Bow. I think thats about five hours from here" I heard a click and rolled over to see who was walking in. Two girls walked in, one was an older lady middle aged, and the other I already knew who she was because of the name tag on the front of my door. Sally Cochran, my roommate, and the girl i had been dying to meet sense i first got here to our empty, and lonely dorm the night before here at UNL. Her aunt was carrying a Panda Pillow Pet; i have the exact same one. I smiled and said "Uh-oh!" and picked up my Pillow pet from behind my sleepy head and showed to Sally's aunt and Sally. All three of us laughed.
Sally and i hit it off right from the start, and even though we are in separate classes and from different towns, we are still able to get into conversation in less than 5 minutes of being together. LOL I love my roommate :)

I absolutly LOVE my class. Mr. Roberson is so funny and is amazing to listen too. It doesn't feel like he is lecturing us on how to write good stories. He is teaching us from the ground up. He's teaching us a method of feature writing that i have never seen before and it is great to learn. It also very very simple to grasp, and little harder to execute I was able to make new friends in my class. Connor, Emily, and Sara. They are great and fun to talk too. Sara and I have already had some deep conversations and I would love to keep talking to her on any topic all day if i could. Emily is pretty sweet and seems pretty quiet, but if you ask the right questions, you can get her to talk. Connor and i have had a little conversation, bt nothing real deep but he is still funny and really nice. All of the kids in my class seem lik hard-working motovaited kids and are wonderful to share a classroom with. I can't wait for tomarrow and to see what else I will learn.

Mom, Dad, I miss you both! I am having a great time and I love you both and Allen, Kelly, Josh, Karly, and Kass I miss and love you guys too :) xoxoxoxox <3 Til tomarrow night! :)

Here Mr. Roberson

I enjoy interviewing, though i have not done very much of it. I also enjoy doing research stories, and feature. I have always wanted to do a column, but I could never come up with a topic. My staff usually has a hard time coming up with many ideas for the paper, and the advisor assigns stories if we aren't sure what to write about. I am more of an arts person.
My experince in journalism has been great. The senior editor before me (who is now graduated) and another one of his classmates created our school newspaper website called IndianNation. I want to be able to learn how to manage a website, and also how to write longer, better stories for both the paper and the website. I will be the senior editor this year, and that is part of the reason why I am here. To learn new skills to take back to the Broken Bow jounalism staff. \
I have always enjoyed writing, and people tell me that i am very good at it. I am on the Broken Bow speech team, and I have been doing duet for 2 years and Humorous for 1. I loved doing Humourous and I am hoping to do an infomative or entertainment speech. I want to go to a community college then transfer to a larger school and major in psycology and journalism.