Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Okay, this sucks. I had a blog post all ready typed up and ready to go and what does the internet decide to do? Crash and erase the post i had. I wasnt smart enough to save it either lol so i gtta retype the whole thing. Man, computers aren't very nice! LOL

Anyway, day three here at camp was more of a hands on day than it was listening to lecture and scribbling down notes and trying to listen @ the same time. The feature story that Connor and I were supposed to do ended up turning into 2 different stories lol. I got to interview Jessica Johnson, an economist here at UNL for my story. That was an intresting experince.

Mr. Roberson suggested that if this story were to run in The Indian that i interview a farmer. Grandpa Jake, Allen, Daddy, prepare to be annoyed with questions as i write EVERY WORD you say down, so be nice. LOL just kidding i cant write that fast, but you still have to be nice. I'm also thinking about interviewing taylor's dad. The Myers might being feeling different effects of this drought b/c thier cattle are dairy cattle. I bet chores suck in this heat, for any farmer really. I will post the story as it is to this blog later on tonight.

You guys are probly wondering how my walks are. They are kind of a 'casual stroll' which is not what Julie wanted but its 5 times a day in this heat, and they last about 15 minutes each i think you can make an exception JuJu lol. I don't get extremely tired, but i do get worn out from the walks at the end of the day, b/c ive noticed i have slept pretty good here @ UNL. I usually have a hard time sleeping at new/different places like a hotel or friends house or in this case, dorm room. And the other night, i thought of Josh because i woke up for mayb a minute or two at night and heard Sally sleeping. Josh, she sounded like you and it made me laugh a little bit.

When i told her she was lik "gee thats good to know that i sound lik a 16 year old boy in my sleep. thanks jj"

I think i made two new friends today Alyssa and another girl. I can't rember her name either! i feel bad Alyssa reminds me of Charlie Hansen from Ravenna, but Alyssa is unusual. Not jus b/c she kind of reminds me of charchar, but b/c she can't swallow right. Weird huh? it sparked my curiousity so i did a short paragraph on her for a mini project in my class.
Heres the paragraph.

What it feels like to swallow a rubber band

Alyssa Byar, a junior from Elkhorn Nebraska had a problem when she was younger. According to her orthodontist, Dr. Ries, she couldn’t swallow correctly. When she had braces, she would have to use the rubber bands used to help align your teeth correctly. “I’d have to put them on my tongue and swallow, moving the band and if I did I’d swallow it.” Byar says she never did her swallowing exercises while at home. The only time she did do the exercise was when she went to her appointments. When she got her retainer, the orthodontist put a small indent in the top piece so she could still do the exercise with the retainer still in her mouth. “It’s really nasty because icky stuff gets in the retainer. By the way I still can’t swallow right.”
By: Jessica Jacobsen 

I'm going to try to keep doing this blog once I get home if i can make posts from my Kindle Fire otherwise i mite have to steal Momma Kelly's laptop for twenty or thirty minutes, maybe more depending on how type-ative i am feeling :P. Then once i go to moms ill use my own computer.

Im accutally thinking calling my editor's column in The Indian "JJ's Corner" also. I like the way it sounds lol. I might think of a different title also. I probly should. Any Ideas? No Mom not flower corner. Too girly lol.

I really enjoy doing this blog, probly b/c i enjoy writing. It is time consuming tho but if you enjoy writing like i do, you don't really care hahas :P I'm gonna try a new little thing that i thought of that might be fun. Posting the Current Song I am listening to if i am listening to music while i am posting this blog. I think its a cute idea. Let me know what you think! :)

Type-ative: a word I made up, its the same as talkative only the words are typed. :) Maybe i should start a dictionary....hmm..

Current Song: It Girl-Jason Derulo 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea to keep your blog going. I know I enjoy reading it. I like jj's corner....its a neat name for your paper at school. The current song thing is a cool idea too. I'm glad that you are getting your walks in and sleeping well at night. Your days sound like they are full and go by fast for you. You are learning a lot and having fun!
