Monday, July 23, 2012

Here Mr. Roberson

I enjoy interviewing, though i have not done very much of it. I also enjoy doing research stories, and feature. I have always wanted to do a column, but I could never come up with a topic. My staff usually has a hard time coming up with many ideas for the paper, and the advisor assigns stories if we aren't sure what to write about. I am more of an arts person.
My experince in journalism has been great. The senior editor before me (who is now graduated) and another one of his classmates created our school newspaper website called IndianNation. I want to be able to learn how to manage a website, and also how to write longer, better stories for both the paper and the website. I will be the senior editor this year, and that is part of the reason why I am here. To learn new skills to take back to the Broken Bow jounalism staff. \
I have always enjoyed writing, and people tell me that i am very good at it. I am on the Broken Bow speech team, and I have been doing duet for 2 years and Humorous for 1. I loved doing Humourous and I am hoping to do an infomative or entertainment speech. I want to go to a community college then transfer to a larger school and major in psycology and journalism.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your blog and can't wait to see what you write about next
