Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Story of Tim

This is Timothy Rempel. A quiet, keep-to-himself kind of guy with an interesting passion.

The first thing that strikes you about Timothy is his quietness. He seems to be the kind of guy that doesn’t get out much. Interestingly enough, one of his favorite things to do is hang out with his friends and play action video games that he payed for himself. He also enjoys helping out in the activities that the Spanish Club does.

This is a story about a young boy from the small and “boring” town of Fairbury. He has a love of helping people. This love is what motivates him to possibly pursue a career in criminal justice. The justice that keeps people safe, and locks away the criminals that hurt the innocent; he wants to be a cop, and later on, a detective.

Who is Timothy Rempel? He is a quiet boy, from a small town where the only cool hangouts are the bowling alley and the pool. He tried doing sports like track and football, just for something to pass the time away.

It is a hot afternoon at UNL, in July, during a Nebraska drought. The air-conditioned heat protects the faculty and students from the scorching heat outside. Two young girls talk at the same table Timothy is at. He listens in to what the girls are saying and occasionally cracking a smile at something funny. Not really saying anything.

Of course what makes Timothy interesting is his appearance. He seems to be the really nerdy, geeky kind of guy. Thick brown hair, glasses, large build, and a little bit of facial hair above his upper lip. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who would want to be carrying a gun and a taser for part of his life. His intelligent eyes, bright behind his glasses,say that he has the possible makings of a great detective someday.


  1. Nice start to a story....I\m interested in the rest of the story....will there be more????

    1. Idk i couldn't get much out of my interview w/ Tim

  2. Jessica,
    I am so thrilled that you are having such a wonderful time at camp. I hope your stay continues to be as rewarding as the first two days have been. Hope you are feeling good and not getting too tired!!
    Love and miss ya,
    Kelly (aka Momma Kelly)
