Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day Two

My second day here started at 7 in the morning. Ugh, talk about not wanting to get up! LOL I layed in bed for about 10 mins thn finally got up and got ready for the day. My morning class seemed to go by very fast and the next thing i knew it was time for lunch. After lunch, my friend Connor and I went for a long walk in order to gather information for a feature story we are writing. We ment many nice, intresting people, and Daddy you'd be proud. I learned how heat can effect a car's radiator. And did you know car sales were down b/c of the heat? I didn't until Connor and i talked to a car salesmen. Intresting huh? I think it is, but you know me Little Miss Curiosity! LOL We also went to a Burger King and asked him how the heat was effecting his business. Of course fruity drink sales went up and he was nice enough to give Connor and I free large drinks. I got water and the ice melted in the cup soon after we started walking back to the campus classroom.
It made the water taste yucky lol.

Talking about alot of walking. We have to walk from Abel Hall, were the dorms and cafetiria are, to the classroom campus about 5 times a day, plus the long walk Connor and I went on. Lets just say I will sleep gooood tonight, if Sally and I don't start talking to much before bed :P.

I learned some vauluable ways to create story ideas which is what the journalism staff desparatly needs, and im really starting to like this blog. I might keep up with it, and hope it doesn't bore people lol. Well, its been a long productive day, and im ready to go back to bed and start another day of learning journalism skills.

Also, Mr. Roberson: I'm not sure how to write The Big Picture on the story Connor and I are doing, any advice?

Missing all my friends and family back home I love all you guys and thank you for your support! xoxoxoxoxoxox


  1. I love hearing about your day! Sounds like it's been a busy one with lots of walking and talking. It's great you are getting some ideas to bring back to your journalism class that will make mrs Phillips happy. I'm glad the time is going by fast for you and that you are trying new things. So far this has been a great experience for you! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see you and hear about your trip. I'm looking forward to hearing about your day tomorrow. I'll keep checking in. Love you more! Xoxoxoxox

  2. I am glad you are gaining some valuable skills, & making connections with friends around the state. Seeing you grow gives me mixed feelings. I know you will be leaving and going out on your own in the future. Seeing how far you have come makes me proud to be your

  3. The big picture is the unexpected consequences of a disaster. Some are profiting because of the heat, while others suffer... In you own words, describe what you saw today... Big picture says compare what you saw to other windfalls from other disasters.
