Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Day

My first day started when i went down to check in and got checked in this morning. I went back upstairs to take a short nap before i had to go back downstairs for the class orientation and morning classes. As I was laying in my bed i heard voices outside my door. "Jessica Jacobsen, Broken Bow. I think thats about five hours from here" I heard a click and rolled over to see who was walking in. Two girls walked in, one was an older lady middle aged, and the other I already knew who she was because of the name tag on the front of my door. Sally Cochran, my roommate, and the girl i had been dying to meet sense i first got here to our empty, and lonely dorm the night before here at UNL. Her aunt was carrying a Panda Pillow Pet; i have the exact same one. I smiled and said "Uh-oh!" and picked up my Pillow pet from behind my sleepy head and showed to Sally's aunt and Sally. All three of us laughed.
Sally and i hit it off right from the start, and even though we are in separate classes and from different towns, we are still able to get into conversation in less than 5 minutes of being together. LOL I love my roommate :)

I absolutly LOVE my class. Mr. Roberson is so funny and is amazing to listen too. It doesn't feel like he is lecturing us on how to write good stories. He is teaching us from the ground up. He's teaching us a method of feature writing that i have never seen before and it is great to learn. It also very very simple to grasp, and little harder to execute I was able to make new friends in my class. Connor, Emily, and Sara. They are great and fun to talk too. Sara and I have already had some deep conversations and I would love to keep talking to her on any topic all day if i could. Emily is pretty sweet and seems pretty quiet, but if you ask the right questions, you can get her to talk. Connor and i have had a little conversation, bt nothing real deep but he is still funny and really nice. All of the kids in my class seem lik hard-working motovaited kids and are wonderful to share a classroom with. I can't wait for tomarrow and to see what else I will learn.

Mom, Dad, I miss you both! I am having a great time and I love you both and Allen, Kelly, Josh, Karly, and Kass I miss and love you guys too :) xoxoxoxox <3 Til tomarrow night! :)


  1. It sounds like you have had a wonderful experience meeting new people and learning new things. Oh exciting! You friends sound very nice and you have a lot in common that's funny about your panda pillow wait til she sees your big round panda at home. Where are they all from? Maybe we can meet them sometime for a day to hang out somewhere close to both towns. It great you are learning so much and having fun doing it. You are making memories you can bring back home with you. Mr. Robertson sound like a great instructor I would pay attention to his ideas and bring them back to bow for you. Do you have ideas for him too? I'm so proud of you being away from home and finding a life you enjoy. Keep working and being you. I love you, sweetheart! Mom and al. Bug misses you too! Xoxoxoxoxox

  2. You are doing great work in class. I'm glad you like it so far. You have great intuitive sense of the direction that a story shoul take.
